active station

英 [ˈæktɪv ˈsteɪʃn] 美 [ˈæktɪv ˈsteɪʃn]

网络  活动站; 基地台



  1. The active duty personnel could go to the constant registered permanent address locus belonging to one of the parties or army station to transact marriage registration.
  2. The Study of Adaptive Active Noise Control for the Nature Gas Booster Station
  3. Some results of measurements made in August 1972 of the solar radio bursts and the Type-I source associated with the active region 238 ( MeMath 11976) have been obtained at Miyun station, Peking Observatory ( working frequency 146 MHz).
  4. With active RFID, the sequence and modulation of the vehicle answer signal are known to the base station. So, it is possible to estimate the TOA ( Time of Arrival) first. 2 TOAs give a TDOA.
  5. On analyzing the based active event of the master station of electrical dispatch system, a kind of monitor trigger is designed.
  6. Results Majority of nurses could take active answering method when facing the great pressure in work, and hope to set up the mental consultation tutor station themselves.
  7. This paper makes valuable contributions on the design of the active power distribution controller for marine power station based on the discrete variable structure control theory.
  8. The security of MSR+ DH scheme in [ 1] is analysed thoroughly, which is found to be insecure against the active attack of the operators in the base station to impersonate the legal users.
  9. Conclusions Within 24h after trauma active pinocytosis of endotheliocyte takes more important role in inducing high permeability of BBB. Then, its chief station is replaced gradually by opening of tight junction of endotheliocyte after 24h after trauma.
  10. This system has active effect to protect local equipment safely running and improve the automatization of production. This system also has fine practicality in computer equipment environment monitor and control of power station and in others equipment environment monitor and control.
  11. The key problem in the synthesis of the controller design for active DC filters ( ADF) in DC side of converter station is to obtain the mathematical models of controlled device.
  12. A new VSC controller which has strong robustness was presented. design of an active power distribution Controler for a marine power station based on the discrete quasi-sliding mode control theory
  13. Active regions in which bipolar magnetic fields are dominant, were chosen from data set of photospheric vector magnetograms observed at Huairou Solar Observing Station in Beijing during 1988-1996. The relationship in sign between tilt angles of magnetic polarity axis and mean twist parameters h ‖ were explored.
  14. Remote sensing analysis and investigation of active fault in the region of Jinping Hydroelectric Power Station
  15. Furthermore, an active power component adjusting method is proposed to balance DC voltages of different modules for sending-end station with this topology.
  16. In this thesis, based the study of acoustics theory and ANC ( Active Noise Control) mechanism, the precept of the Nature Gas Booster Station Noise Active control is discussed. The active algorithm is established and simulated.